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Expectation vs. promise: a guide to managing expectations

Expectation and promise are two important concepts in our communication with other people. By understanding the difference between these two concepts and learning to create transparency in our communication, we can become better at managing expectations and living up to our promises. In this article, we will take a closer look at what expectation and promise mean and how we can use these concepts to create healthy and transparent communication with others.

Expectation and promise are two concepts that often appear in our communication with other people. By understanding the difference between these two concepts, we can become better at communicating and meeting expectations in a more effective way.

Expectation is an expectation that we have for something or someone. It can be an expectation that a friend will contact us, that an employer will give us a raise or that a hotel will deliver the service we expect. Expectations can be both justified and unreasonable, and they can be conscious or unconscious. Regardless of what the expectations are based on, they influence our behavior and our feelings.

Promise, on the other hand, is an assurance that we will do something or live up to our word. Vows can be both formal and informal, and they can be addressed to ourselves or to other people. When we make a promise, we commit to doing what we have said we will do, and if we do not keep our promise, it can affect our credibility and our trust with other people.

There is a fundamental difference between expectation and promise: expectation is about what we expect someone else to do, while promise is about what we ourselves have said we will do. Understanding this difference is important because it can help us become better at managing expectations and delivering on our promises.

Expectation vs Promise: A List to Understand the Differences

  • Expectation: an expectation that we have of something or someone, can be justified and unreasonable, conscious or unconscious
  • Promise: an assurance that we will do something or live up to our word, can be formal or informal, directed to ourselves or other people
  • Expectation is about what we expect someone else to do, while promise is about what we ourselves have said we will do
  • Expectation-promise gap: ambiguity or mismatch between what is expected and what is delivered, can lead to frustration and disappointment
  • Transparency: openness and honesty in communication, clarity with expectations and promises, can contribute to healthy and trusting relationships

An important part of communication is to be clear about what we expect and what we have promised to do. Not being clear about our expectations can lead to misunderstandings and frustration, while not keeping our promises can damage our trust and credibility. By being open and honest in our communication, we can help avoid the gap between expectation and promise. When we are clear about our expectations and our promises, we can minimize the risk of misunderstandings and help create healthy and transparent communication.

An expectation-promise gap occurs when there is an ambiguity or a mismatch between what is expected and what is delivered. This can lead to a person feeling disappointed or frustrated because their expectations have not been met. The gap can arise for various reasons, for example if one person has not been clear about their expectations, if another person has not understood what is expected of them, or if one person has not been able to live up to their promise.

Transparency, on the other hand, means that we are open and honest in our communication, and that we are clear about what we expect and what we have promised to do. When we have transparent communication, there is no ambiguity or mismatch between expectation and promise, which can contribute to a healthy and trusting relationship.

Creating transparency in our communications requires that we be prepared to be open and honest, and that we are willing to listen to other people’s expectations and promises. It also requires that we be clear about our own expectations and promises, and that we do what we can to fulfill them. By creating transparency in our communication, we can help build long-lasting and trusting relationships with other people.

Some examples of situations where this can become extra clear:

  • When an employer has expectations of an employee to deliver a certain quality of work
  • When a sales representative makes a promise to deliver a product or service within a certain time
  • When a manager makes promises to his employees about raises or improvements in the workplace
  • When a customer has expectations for a company service to live up to their standards
  • When a supplier makes a promise to deliver goods or services within a certain time
  • When a company’s management has expectations for its employees to follow the company’s values and guidelines

This is how you create transparent communication through expectation and promise

Expectation and promise are two important concepts in our communication with other people. By understanding the difference between these two concepts and learning to create transparency in our communication, we can become better at managing expectations and living up to our promises. Transparency means that we are open and honest in our communication, and that we are clear about what we expect and what we have promised to do. Here are some good things to keep in mind when creating transparent communication through expectation and promise:

  • Be clear about what you expect and what you have promised to do
  • Listen to other people’s expectations and promises and try to understand them
  • Be open and honest in your communication, avoid hiding information or lying
  • Be prepared to make adjustments and compromises when necessary
  • Keep your promises and do what you can to live up to your expectations
  • Be prepared to take responsibility for your actions and to correct any mistakes you make. It is important to admit when you have made a mistake or have not delivered on what you have promised. By taking responsibility for your actions and doing what you can to correct mistakes, you show that you are honest and that you want to live up to your promises. This can help to create a more transparent and trusting communication with other people.


Expectation and promise are two important concepts in our communication with other people, and by understanding the difference between these concepts and learning to create transparency in our communication, we can become better at managing expectations and living up to our promises. There are many different things that we can think about in order to create transparent communication, for example, being clear about our expectations and promises, listening to the expectations and promises of others, being open and honest in our communication and being prepared to take responsibility for our actions and correct any mistakes.

Norrhavet can help ensure that communication meets expectation vs. promise by offering various tools and services to create more transparent communication. These can include communication strategies, employee interviews, leadership development and team building. By using these tools and services, the company can ensure that expectations and promises are fulfilled and that communication is healthy and trusting.