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How to build an email funnel

An email funnel is a series of emails intended to lead a recipient through various steps in a sales or marketing process. By using email funnels, companies can create a structured and targeted communication with their customers and leads.

Building an email funnel can be a great tool to create a structured and targeted communication with your customers and leads. By following these steps, you can create an effective email funnel:

  1. Determine the goal of your email funnel.
  2. Identify your target groups.
  3. Create a structure for your email funnel.
  4. Write the content of your emails.
  5. Use email automation.
  6. Measure the performance of your email funnel.
  7. Optimize your email funnel.
  8. Be patient and continuous.

The following is a guide to building an email funnel:

  1. Determine the goal of your email funnel. To create an email funnel that targets what you want to achieve, it’s important to have a clear goal in mind. This could be to increase sales of a specific product, to increase the number of subscribers to your newsletter, or to increase the number of leads you collect. Once you’ve decided on the goal, you can direct your email funnel towards it. Tools that can be useful to achieve this goal include Google Analytics and other web analytics tools to track the performance of your email funnel.
  2. Identify your target groups. Before you start building your email funnel, it’s important to know who you’re targeting. Identify different segments of recipients who might be interested in your product or service, and focus your email funnel on them. Tools that can be useful to identify your target audience include Google Analytics, social media platforms and other market research tools.
  3. Create a structure for your email funnel. Once you’ve determined the goal of your email funnel and identified your target audience, it’s time to create a structure for it. Decide how many emails you want to send, and what each message should be about. For example, you might choose to start with a welcome message, followed by a number of follow-up messages that build on each other and lead towards the final goal. Tools that can be good to use to create the structure of your email funnel include email automation tools like Mailchimp and ActiveCampaign.
  4. Write the content of your emails. Once you have the structure of your email funnel ready, it’s time to write the content of your emails. Remember to keep a similar tone and style in all your messages to create a unified feel. Also, make sure that your messages are personalized and adapted to your target group, and that they contain relevant and interesting information. Tools that can be useful for creating the content of your emails include email automation tools, such as Mailchimp and ActiveCampaign, as well as text editing tools such as Google Docs or Microsoft Word.
  5. Use email automation. Email automation can be a great tool to manage your email funnel and ensure your messages are sent out on time. You can use email automation to send welcome messages to new subscribers, follow-up messages to recipients who have shown interest in your product or service, or to send birthday wishes to your customers. Tools that can be good to use for using email automation include email automation tools like Mailchimp and ActiveCampaign.
  6. Measure the performance of your email funnel. To know if your email funnel is successful, it’s important to measure its performance. Use various tools to track the open rate, click rate and conversion rate of your emails. This way, you can see which messages work best and adjust your email funnel accordingly. Tools that can be useful to measure the performance of your email funnel include Google Analytics and email automation tools such as Mailchimp and ActiveCampaign.
  7. Optimize your email funnel. Once you’ve measured the performance of your email funnel, you can use that information to optimize it. This may mean changing the structure of your email funnel, replacing some emails with others, or adapting the content of your messages to make them more relevant and interesting to your target audience. By constantly optimizing your email funnel, you can ensure that it is as effective as possible and that it helps you achieve your sales or marketing goals. Tools that can be good to use to optimize your email funnel include Google Analytics and email automation tools like Mailchimp and ActiveCampaign.
  8. Be patient and continuous. Building an email funnel takes time and it may take some time to see results. Be patient and keep testing and optimizing your email funnel to see what works best for you and your audience. And don’t forget to be continuous with your email marketing. Send out regular emails to your list of subscribers and continue to build relationships with them by offering valuable and relevant information. In this way, you can create a strong and long-lasting communication with your customers and leads.

Example of content in an email funnel:

  • A welcome message to new subscribers, which introduces the company and provides an overview of what subscribers can expect to receive in the form of emails in the future.
  • A series of follow-up messages that build on each other and provide more information about the company’s products or services.
  • Offers of special prices or discounts on specific products or services.
  • Invitations to webinars or events arranged by the company.
  • Tips and advice related to the company’s industry or area.
  • Content relevant to the company’s target audience, such as blog posts, articles or videos.
  • Customer surveys or other types of feedback forms to collect information from subscribers and improve the company’s products or services.
  • Offers to participate in contests or sweepstakes organized by the Company.
  • Invitations to company-related workshops or seminars.
  • News about upcoming launches or updates of the company’s products or services.
  • Offers to participate in the company’s loyalty program or membership club.
  • Invitations to company-related events, such as company dinners or lectures.
  • Offers to participate in company-related training sessions or company-related training.
  • News about the company’s activities or events, such as sponsorships or collaborations.
  • A guide or school in several parts that immerses the reader in a particular subject.

Using these steps, you can create an email funnel that will help you reach your sales or marketing goals and create strong, long-lasting communication with your customers and leads.

What does Opt-in and Opt-out mean?

Opt-in and opt-out are terms used in email marketing and refer to how subscribers can opt-in or opt-out of receiving emails from a company.

Opt-in means that subscribers actively choose to sign up to receive emails from a company. This can be done by subscribers filling out a form on the company’s website, entering their e-mail address on a list at an event, or otherwise showing interest in receiving e-mails. Opt-in is important because it gives the company permission to send e-mails to subscribers and it is also important to comply with applicable e-mail marketing laws and regulations.

Opt-out is also important because it gives subscribers the ability to opt out of receiving emails if they are no longer interested in receiving them. It is also important to offer an opt-out option to comply with applicable email marketing laws and regulations.

Keeping track of opt-ins and opt-outs is important for a business that wants to conduct email marketing responsibly. It allows the company to build a list of subscribers who have shown interest in receiving emails, while also giving subscribers the ability to opt out of receiving them if they are no longer interested. By complying with applicable laws and regulations and respecting the wishes of subscribers, the company can create a good relationship with its subscribers and build a strong email marketing that is effective and respectful.


Opt-in and opt-out are important concepts in email marketing and are about how subscribers can opt-in or opt-out of receiving emails from a company. Complying with applicable laws and regulations and respecting the wishes of subscribers are critical to building a strong and respectful email marketing campaign.

An email funnel can be a great tool to generate revenue for a business by creating a structured communication with subscribers and leads. By using email automation and measuring the performance of their email funnel, the business can optimize their email marketing to ensure it is as effective as possible.

Norrhavet can help you build an email funnel that generates revenue by offering help with everything from structuring and writing the content of the emails to measuring and optimizing the email funnel. By using Norrhavet’s expertise and tools, the company can create email marketing that is effective, respectful and produces good results.